Kristine Nore

Co-founder | Chief Engineer | Standardization | Networking | Wood building physics (PhD)

Kristine Nore, one of the three co-founders of Omtre and our current Head of Research and Development (R&D). With a strong academic background, including a PhD in wood building physics, and practical experience gained at Splitkon and TreTeknisk, Kristine brings valuable expertise to the production of timber construction products and innovation management to Omtre for already more than 3 years. Kristine also serves as the project manager for various Research and Innovation projects, such as SirkTRE and InnoTLT. Last year, she co-chaired the World Conference for Timber Engineering in Oslo (WCTE 2023). Outside of her role at Omtre, Kristine is a board member of Innovation Norway and balances her professional life with her responsibilities as a farmer, forester, and mother of four. She enjoys spending her free time in the mountains, particularly in the beautiful fairytale valley where her Noresund farm is located. Her favorite tree is the Mountain Birch (known as 'fjellbjørk' in Norwegian).

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