Urda Ljøterud

Co-founder | CFO | Business developer

Urda Ljøterud is the Chief Financial Offer (CFO) and one of the 3 co-founders. With a solid academic foundation from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, where she specialized with a Master's in Environmental Economics, Urda has always been at the crossroads of finance and sustainability. Her deep connection to the land is reflected in her life as a cow farmer, emphasizing her profound respect for the landscape and our intertwined relationship with the more-than-human world. Before stepping into her current role as CFO and partner in Omtre, she distinguished herself as an Innovation Manager across various organizations. At Omtre, Urda is currently involved in multiple projects. She serves as the work package leader for the Green Platform project SirkTRE, where she is dedicated to understanding how to enhance the sustainability of digital production and automation in timber construction. Additionally, she focuses on mitigating risks associated with the adoption of new digital solutions for circularity and environmental sustainability. Urda also spearheads a work package in the preliminary study for the Re-sawmill, known in Norwegian as "Foredlingssenter". Her favorite trees are the Downy birch (Fjellbjørk) and the Maple tree (Lønneslekten).