
Within the SirkTRE initiative, one of the crucial work packages managed by Omtre AS is BYGGKART, aiming to get a detailed overview of buildings planned for deconstruction in order to facilitate planned reuse of building materials, with a focus on timber.

Digital twin 2

3D scanning of buildings

This includes using advanced 3D laser scanning technology, such as the Leica RTC360 scanner, to create detailed point cloud representations of buildings.

Digital twin
The point cloud can give us detailed information about the condition of the building and map the materials that are suitable for reuse.

Do you have a building that needs diagnosis?

As part of the Sirktre project, we're offering this service until the end of 2024 at a deep discount. We send someone to your donation building who will make a diagnosis. A report or a digital file can be delivered in the same service package. Please contact if you would like to explore the different packages.