Half of all incinerated waste is wood. That's a huge loss of resources that can easily be reused in small and large projects. We want to do something about this.

We want reuse to be the rule, rather than the exception, and we are actively working to change the entire circle that wood encounters today.

With new technology, research, and collaboration, we can accelerate the path towards our common climate goals.

Our areas of expertise

From growth rings to value circles

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    We have our own research and development projects in building systems, digitalization, regulation and market development for better circular resource utilization. We collaborate with several partners to speed up the construction industry's transition to the circular economy.

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    We offer various packages of services. One highlighted service is BYGGKARTLEGGING I LANDBRUKET 2.0, which is a project where we offer mapping of agricultural buildings, and where it is possible to order this on assignment. We can also offer condition analysis for older buildings.

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    Wood refinement

    Through research and development, we find solutions for industrial processing of recycled wood. In this way, used wood will have the same quality, price and availability as new wood today.

Our work

In essence, Omtre is a carbon storage company. We do this by keeping wood in circulation for as long as possible. As a tree grows, it removes CO2 from the air and stores it in its roots, trunk and branches. Trees do such a good job of this that Norwegian forests absorbed 41% of the CO2 we emitted in 2021.

When we cut down a tree from this forest, the carbon (CO2) will remain stored in the tree and the wood products. If, on the other hand, we burn the tree again, the stored CO2 will go back into the air and contribute to global warming. In Norway, 90% of wood is burned for energy recovery. Extending the lifespan of wood increases carbon storage, which is positive for the environment and climate.

We make quality products from wood that otherwise has a low value. We call this refining of recycled wood. These products are primarily used in the construction of new buildings, remodeling or rehabilitation of existing buildings.

One of these products is the Re:Blåkk, which is a demountable building system made from offcuts from solid wood production. Re:Blåkk is used to construct office partitions, living walls, load-bearing walls, free-standing structures such as garages, tool sheds, annexes, etc. This is an example of how we use old wood again and again.

We spend a lot of our time solving a knot that hasn't been solved before, reusing reclaimed wood on a large scale. It's becoming increasingly clear that the need for reused building materials is growing and absolutely present.

The solutions are found through research and development projects in collaboration with our partners. Omtre administers the Green Platform project SirkTRE, where 30 partners are working together to bring wood into value circles, rather than energy recovery. Some of our other projects include InnoTLT, Drastic and MinTRE. You can read more about these on the project page.

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Towards a common goal

SirkTRE's goal is to utilize 250,000 cubic meters of Norway's wood waste by 2024, corresponding to 100,000 tonnes, and 1 million cubic meters by 2030. SirkTRE will contribute a climate reduction of 0.5 million tons of CO2 annually by 2024, and two million tons of CO2 annually by 2030. In 2030, this corresponds to a reduction of around eight percent of national emissions compared to 1990 levels. This includes the storage effect of biogenic carbon in wood, which accounts for just over a third of the climate reduction.

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With digital tools

Omtre collaborates with strategic technology providers to create tomorrow's recycled wood processing systems. We see that large-scale reuse is made possible through innovative industrial lines, where optimized processes driven by machine learning automate an otherwise manual process. We are working to put in place a seamless flow of information from where the waste is created, all the way to where the reclaimed wood is installed in new buildings as building elements.

Let us give your used wood a new life.