Francisco Tienda

Sustainability advisor | REblåkk product manager

Francisco contributes as a circularity advisor and sustainability researcher for OMTRE. Possessing a diverse range of skills, he actively participates as a forward-thinking team member, adept at rapid learning and proposing solutions to enhance environmental performance and drive circular transformation. Originating from the bustling Mexican city of Monterrey, Francisco's deep-rooted concern for climate change mitigation took shape early on. Following his completion of a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, he spent five years as an entrepreneur and freelancer within the construction industry. This journey ultimately propelled him to relocate to Estonia, where he pursued a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering and Management at Tallinn University of Technology. Throughout his Master's program, he collaborated with esteemed institutions such as the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) and the Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology (NTI) in the nationwide project CircWOOD/SirkTRE. With an unwavering passion for nature and animals, Francisco's cherished pursuits included hiking and tending to his family farm in his homeland.