Innovative Tailored Laminated Timber - InnoTLT - is a research project within the Bioeconomy in the North program. The aim is to develop the key solid wood product CLT and create innovative solutions to make wooden structures competitive in the future.

InnoTLT has embarked on a journey to revolutionize the timber industry, passionately driving the development of cross-laminated timber (CLT) towards a breakthrough invention - Tailored Laminated Timber (TLT). Our project is based on a passionate commitment to harnessing innovation, ensuring the safety and delivering optimal technical performance of products, while promoting a robust circular economy.
Collaboration partners

Work packages
The team members come from Lund University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Omtre. The members work within structural mechanics, research and innovation, circular economy, architecture and design. This creates a diverse research group with complementary skills and viewpoints.

The core group has regular meetings and we also invite industry-leading companies to workshops.

InnoTLT is funded by the Research Council of Norway, Vinnova (Sweden) and Projektträger Jülich (Germany). The main objective of this call is to support excellent research and innovation through transnational collaboration leading to new products, technologies and strategies that contribute to the achievement of zero emission targets using wood-based biomass resources in the Northern Hemisphere. InnoTLT aims to innovate in engineered wood products in support of a circular bioeconomy.
Contact persons
For more information, contact Kristine Nore and Francisco Tienda.
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